Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Elf Of the Shelf

I am excited that this week we started a new tradition with Ella for Christmas. I finally purchased her The Elf on  the Shelf. The set comes with an Elf and a book. The elf appears right after Thanksgiving. The story goes that you name the elf as soon as you get it (Ella picked the name Jessie). Each night the elf flies to the North Pole to report to Santa on how the child's behavior was that day. Each day you find a new spot for the elf (as if it really did fly to the North Pole) to sit and Ella will find the elf each morning. The child is not supposed to touch the elf, which Ella is having a really hard time following, but the child can talk to the elf and let them know what they would life for Christmas. Its a fun tradition that will last for many years.

(and yes she has a really fat lip on top and bottom. Before bath the night before, she fell face first into the ceramic trash can)

I am really excited for the tradition that we will be starting with Ella tomorrow night. Blog post to follow...

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