Thursday, May 27, 2010

The pictures below were taken tonight after bath while getting ready for bed. As soon as she sees the light on my phone come on (flash getting ready) she starts cracking up and smiling! You can see her three teeth inthis picture and Im pretty sure she is about to cut a fourth tooth. She has been chewing and sucking on her thumb lately. I really hope she is not going to become a thumb sucker and feel it has more to do with teething. She is saying more and more words each day, the most recent being ELLA. Yes, Ella, she says both syllables and says it perfectly. We have a smart baby on our hands! Also, when saying wheres your belly, now lifts her shirt and touches her belly! Miss smarty pants learned after grandma joyce showing her that literally a few times! She is able to stand on her own for a short amount of time and is even trying to take a few steps!

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