Monday, June 28, 2010

Parky's Farm and Parky's Ark

Ella and I went to Winton Woods today. We started out by meeting our friends Katie and Livi, Jessica and Ashley, and Nicole and Madeline at Parky's Farm to look at animals. Of course Ella called everything a dog, expect the duck which she labeled correctly. After the farm Ella and I joined Katie and Livi at Parky's Ark Spraypark. Ella dove right into the sprays of water, literally. She fearlessly put her arms, hands, feet, legs, and even face and head right in the sprays of water!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer Summer Summertime!

Ella and I had such a nice weekend in Botkins/Wapak. We spent Saturday at the Wapak Pool (which is more like a waterpark these days) with Grandma Joyce, Aunt Tonia, and cousin Emma. The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out with Grandma, cousin Emma, and cousin Alex. Our full cloth diaper order finally came in which I am very grateful for! I was trying to get by with about ten cloth diapers, which meant lots of loads of laundry! (We also took several photos of Ella in her birthday dress for her birthday invitations. Ill post those in a separate blog at another time)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our sitter sent us these pictures this week and I had to share! The first set is of Ella painting her first picture, a father's day present for daddy! Our sitter was also kind enough to make a cement garden stone with Ella's name and footprints for father's day! The second set of pictures show just how messy Ella gets eating. Im glad our sitter always her to explore with food because I have to admit that I dont let it get that messy at our house!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Tom, Ella, and I made the trip to Oldham County Kentucky to visit Grandma Joanne and her new home today. Ella had lots of fun checking out the big backyard and playing with grandma in her beautiful new home.
We had a great first fathers day weekend. Ella and I are both so blessed to have Tom in our lives. He has done such an amazing job at helping me out with Ella and showing her each day just how much he loves her!
Happy Father's Day Tom!