Thursday, June 10, 2010

Party Time or should I say Potty Time!

So the picture is a bit blurry and Tom does not think its appropriate to share, but I couldnt resist. Our sitter is already getting Ella acclimated to the potty, which I think is wonderful. I also have to report that she has pooped on the potty twice! She is growing up so fast. Ella has begun to cruise around are furniture and is also able to walk w her push toy! I know that she will walking on her own in no time! She is also a little chatterbox these days. She has so many words and uses them with meaning! Some of her favorites are dog (which she calls every animal along with oof oof for woof woof), ball, Ella, duck, and book. There a ton im forgetting. My little baby is turning into a little toddler which brings a tear to my eye!

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