Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy 1 year baby girl!

Wow I cannot believe we have hit the one year mark. This year has gone by quicker than any other; however, has been the most fulfilling year of my life. I thought creating Ella, having her grow in my stomach, and giving birth to her was amazing but did not realize how watching her grow and change would be even more phenomenal.

Ella is a brilliant baby and this is not just me being a biased mommy! She is walking around everything but has yet to let go. She does really well climbing the steps!
Here are other things shes doing right now (Im sure Ill forget some)
Saying: Hi, Hi baby, Hi Ella, Ella, happy, help, bug, pig, duck, dog, woof, bird, car, ball, bear, bunny, bye bye, kitty, rock rock, up, vroom vroom.
She is able to label: kitty, dog, duck, car, ball, baby, bunny
She can point, clap, wave, blow kisses, so big, dance
She can expressively identify belly. She is able to receptively identify nose, eye, belly on herself and others
She is able to pat and rock her baby while she either says hi baby or rock rock
She pushes her car or train or walker and says vroom vroom
She clearly says up when she wants to stand up, be held, or get up from dinner
She is able to sign all done and more
We have started the transition to whole milk and are gradually mixing whole milk into breastmilk. My supply is crashing and though Im sad, Im also very proud that I made it to the one year mark. Out of her three bottles a day she is taking one and a half of them from a cup with no lid! I cannot wait to transition her fully to the cup.
(will add more pictures tomorrow as blogger is acting up)

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