Saturday, November 27, 2010

Giving Thanks

Tom and I feel like we have a lot to be thankful for. We have each other, our beautiful daughter, our home, health, jobs, friends and family.
This year we did not have to travel far for Thanksgiving but rather right around the corner to Loveland. Tom's cousins Tom and Jackie and their children Gus and Rita were kind enough to welcome Tom, Ella, Tom's mom and I into their home for Thanksgiving. Jackie is an amazing cook and made enough food to feed an army. Thank you Klofta's for the hospitality, comedy, food, drinks, and putting up with an overstimulated baby by the end of the night!

We each had our own name cards and Ella's seat was ready with books. Too bad Ella did not stop moving the entire night, not even long enough for the tasty Thanksgiving feast..

Ella had a great time checking out the house, tending bar, playing with Gus and Rita, and getting lots of attention...

Tom took the turkey carving very seriously; however, Gus and Rita claimed he butchered it..

Took several tries with the self timer...

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