Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Joy

What a whirlwind of family, food, presents and travel Christmas was! The three of us headed to grammie joyces and paw paws in Botkins on Christmas eve. My mom's family has a huge gathering with her family every Christmas eve with 60+ people. Ella did such an amazing job considering she was up almost four hours past her bedtime. She never complained and played so well with all her cousins. She really seemed to have a great time and even got to enjoy a few cookies! Christmas morning we opened gifts at Grammies house and then had lunch with Aunt Tonia and uncle Kirk and cousin Emma, Adam and Alex. Christmas evening we headed back to our house for our annual Chinese take out with the three of us. Ella was so tired from all the excitement that we didnt even open gifts at our house til the day after Christmas. Grandma Joanne came over the day after Christmas for more gifts and food! We had an absolutely wonderful Christmas this year. So much fun and we feel so blessed.

One of my uncles dresses up as Santa for the kids each year. Ella had her eye on him from daddy's arms the minute he entered the room. Again she didnt mind him as long as he didnt try to hold her

We opened presents at Grammie Joyces on Christmas day. Ella received a ton of gifts from Grammie Joyce and paw paw. Paw paw also gave Ella a beautiful necklace and cousin Emma gave Ella a bunch of baby dolls and a baby bed that used to be hers.

After we got home on Christmas evening we had our second annual Heinl/Gazinski Chinese dinner

We did not open gifts at our house until the morning after Christmas. Below are some of the gifts Ella received at our house. Ella seemed to really love all the gifts she received this year but especially seems to like the little people farm

Winston loved his cmas present and refused to put it down

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