Saturday, March 19, 2011

And the fun has begun..

This baby is ready to tackle the....

Ella has been getting aquainted to the potty for quite awhile now but this weekend is our big potty weekend!
We have a potty seat and ring for the big toilet...

Lots of underwear...

Sticker chart made just for Ella...

Lots of stickers to choose from for success on potty....

Movie about the potty and notebook for mommy and daddy to take potty data..

And even though it may seem strange, and even though I wanted the pads for humans (target no longer carries them), we have potty pads to put on the couch in case of accidents.

So far we are two hours into our potty weekend and Ella has stayed dry with one success on the potty!
Way to go Ella and wish us luck!

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