Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"Always Seeing Something, Never Seeing Nothing, Being a Photographer"

So I know I said quite awhile ago that I had an announcement to make. Most of you by now know what that announcement is as it is already in full swing. Things have been crazy busy around here with us being out of the house for over a week with our flooring issue back around Easter, the warm weather has us outside playing everyday, and my announcement has had me pretty busy since March. Even though most of you already know, I wanted to formally make the announcement here on the blog. For the sake of reminiscing in the future as well as for those of you that may not follow me on Facebook.

I have become a photographer. Like a real professional photographer. One that has clients and gets paid for it. I bought my camera when Ella was just over a year old. Over the last few years I have learned more and more about photography, especially in the last nine months. Back in the winter, several people I know started asking if I was for hire. At first it was not something I even wanted to consider or take on; however, after several discussions with Tom we decided why not? So we spent a few months talking to legal at NKU where he attends law school, getting a logo, getting organized, buying a few props etc. Since March I have photographed around twelve different families and have a few more scheduled in the next couple weeks. I am still not where I want to be with my photography or my editing, I have a long way to go. It is a constant learning process. I have no idea where this will go but I am excited to see. I would have never imagined a year ago that I would be taking my photography to the next level. I have always loved photography but it has taken on a whole new meaning for me since I had children. I love capturing the little moments just as much as the big moments. When I look at a photograph I can remember every detail about that moment. The season, smells, sounds, emotions. A photograph captures a moment in time that is gone forever. I feel like photographers are lucky. Photographers find the beauty in everything...even the weeds most people step on and don't look twice at.  This quote reminds me of that: “Always seeing something, never seeing nothing, being photographer” 
― Walter De Mulder

And with that, let me introduce Sweet Rose Elise Photography! (A perfect combination of both my girls middle names)

Here are a few of the families I have had the pleasure of capturing... (quality compromised online)

I would love for you to check out my business on Facebook and while you are browsing, show some love by liking my page!! Link:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sweet-Rose-Elise-Photography/567596223259060

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