Monday, July 29, 2013


Whoa my baby is four. I feel like we are taking that step closer into being a kid rather than a toddler or baby. Ok I'll admit it, we have already taken that step into kidhood (tear).
I will post my letter to Ella tomorrow night but I wanted this post to be more of an update. I also decided to start a little yearly interview with her that I will keep up every year with the same questions to see how they change.

 So from the mind of my four year old. 

-Color:  pink and purple
-Food: pancakes
-Drink: lemonade
-Toy: dollhouse
-Show: Wild Kratts
-Animal: Giraffe and worm
-Fruit: grapes
-Outfit: pajamas
-Song: lollipop (the oldies song)
-Game: Westie Monopoly
-Snack: goldfish
-Person: mommy (I didn't make this up)
-Treat (she picked this): lollipop and chocolate 
-Place: farm and spray park
-Movie: Monsters University 
-Book: Chamilia
-Holiday: Christmas
-Who are your favorite friends: Of course school friends to include Alyssa, Emma, Teagan, and Isabelle
-What is your favorite thing to do: go to the park
-What do you like to sleep with:
-What do you want to be when you grow up: a vet and a princess
-What is your favorite plant (Ella added this one): a flower. when pressed further what kind of a flower she replied any flower.
-What was your favorite gift you got for your birthday this year: American Girl

This was definitely the year of gaining independence. From heading off to school by yourself for the first time to learning to go to the bathroom all alone, to making your own friends all by yourself, dressing yourself, putting on your own shoes, learning to write your name all by yourself, learning to draw stick people, flowers, rainbows, sun, clouds, grass, getting a snack or drink on your own, to playing so quietly with your toys while your sister naps.
This was also the year of changes. You stopped going to Leslie's, you started school, you got the taste of what it's like to have a stay at home mom, you became a big sister (an amazing big sister), you gained a sibling, you became a second child rather than an only child.
And with all that. All the growing, changing, gaining independence you remained my sweet, kind hearted, loving, well behaved, amazing little girl. I am so proud of you Ella. This year has shown me what an amazingly strong will and beautiful heart and soul you have. You are destined to do great things. I just know it.

"A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark"
Dante Alighieri 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Today You Are A Year.

Yesterday you were eleven months and today you are one. There was a time before I was pregnant with you that I was not sure that I wanted another child. Not that I wasn't happy with a family of three, but rather that I was happy with a family of three. Tonight as you laid in my arms I couldn't figure out how I ever survived without you. You complete me. You complete our family. 

I will never stop saying that you are made of magic baby. It was magic that you came into our lives. But more than anything YOU are magic. It is impossible to be around you and not be happy. Your joy is just that contagious. You demand attention. Please don't ever lose that. Please don't let this world harden you and take that away. As I watched you play just yesterday I said to your dad that babies (more specifically you) are proof how much the world changes and hardens a person. He said how do you figure. I said just look at how happy and joyful she is with not a care in the world. The only time she is upset is when instinctual needs quick in such as hunger, pain, or fatigue. If nothing else in this world, I want my girls to be forever happy and confident. Please always smile and carry pure joy in your heart. My promise to you is to always support whatever hopes and dreams you have in hopes that it will help you maintain the joy in your heart. 

My life has changed in so many ways since you came into this world and all has been for the better. While it has not always been the easiest in going through some of the changes they have all been for the best. You have given me the gift of being a mother for the second time. You have given Ella the gift of having a sister, a forever best friend. You have given me the gift of being a stay at home mom and therefore being able to take in every moment of my two beautiful girls lives. That above all has been one of the most amazing gifts. 

I love absolutely everything about you. The way you are such a noisy baby and imitate every loud sound someone makes. The way you prefer to play sitting on my lap rather than next to me. The way your hair spikes on the top center and is starting to curl in the back. Your gorgeous blue eyes. Your fast army crawl across the floor. The way you insist on putting everything in your mouth, even though you know you shouldn't, and then immediately remove it from your mouth, hold it up to us and laugh. Your crazy, deep, excited laugh when something is handed to you that makes you really happy like your blankie. I could go on and on til the end of time. The list doesn't end. Everyday you make me smile. Everyday you make me laugh. Everyday you make me want to be a better person and everyday you make my life better because you are in it. I love you and I will until the end of time. 

Happy First Birthday my sweet sweet girl. 

(disclaimer: I did not take much time to edit these photos and I am noticing that the upload to the blog also killed the quality. Lately I have realized a lot of why I slack on posting on the blog is I want my photos to be perfectly edited before I put them on here but don't always have the time. Hence no blog posts. I need to get over that. This is for my girls, not for perfection)

"What I wanted most for my daughter was that she be able to soar confidently in her own sky, whatever that may be" 
 Helen Claes

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

10 and 11 Months Lead To A Year.

I have been so terrible about blogging. I cannot believe I am finally getting to Claire's ten and eleven month update the night before she turns a year! I am going to try to play some major catch up on this blog over the next couple weeks.

Weight: 20lbs (30th percentile)
Height: 28.5 inches (30th percentile)

There have been so many changes with Claire since her 9 month post. At that point she had four teeth. I believe on May 7th her top canine teeth popped then immediately following those the bottom two canine popped. She now has a total of 8 teeth and we have had a break from teething for several weeks now. She was pretty fussy today and this evening so I am wondering if we are about to endure another round of teething. 
I would say the biggest changes right after her 9 month post was in the area of eating, sleeping, and mobility. Right after we returned from vacation, Claire started sleeping through the night. She is a very restless sleeper and is all over that crib, may wake briefly at times, but as soon as she finds her blankie she goes right back to sleep. She typically goes to bed right around 7 and gets up around 650ish in the morning. 

Another big big change, and the one I am the most sad about, has to do with breastfeeding. Right before vacation we were having latch issues here and there. Claire would have days where she was too busy to stay latched on long enough for the let down to happen. We worked through it and seemed to be fine. On the drive home from vacation she refused to latch on the whole day and literally went the entire day without milk. We seemed to get back on track once home, but that only lasted for a week. Claire again was refusing to latch on long enough for the let down. I finally had to give up and begin pumping. She was getting stressed (and not getting milk) and honestly it was stressing me and making it even worse. So I resorted to pumping 4-5 times a day and she was having full breastmilk from a bottle. I never even got to get the last breastfeed photos like I did with Ella. I figured with staying at home and this being my second breastfed child that the breastfeeding relationship would last MUCH longer than it did. I didn't expect my child to wean herself before ten months. It really did make me sad. It also stunk that my supply wasn't quite what it used to be and was dwindling quickly with just pumping. I tried Mother's Milk Tea and Fenugreek to increase my supply but it didn't really help. So at ten and half months we began the very very slow process of mixing in whole milk. I refused to give her formula at this point. I am happy and proud to say that neither of my children have never been given formula. I really didn't have a choice but to supplement about a half ounce per bottle at the beginning. With my milk supply quickly vanishing we made the full transition to whole milk just a little over eleven months. She seems to be taking to it well and it is what it is.

Claire ended up not being a roller but rather an army crawler. Around the end of May she began to army crawl with the under sides of her arms and literally her toes with her legs lifted slightly off the ground and man can she move fast. Also about a little over a month ago she also started to sit up on her own from belly/side/floor. She actually does this randomly in the middle of the night a lot. About two or three weeks ago she learned to crawl but she isn't near as fast at crawling as army crawl. She may go a few feet with regular crawl but quickly ends up army crawling to get the job done quicker. About two weeks ago she started to pull up on our stairs. Last week she started to pull up on everything else. This week she is endlessly trying to climb are stairs and climb into the bottom shelf of our end table. 

She is so feisty. Really feisty. If she has a toy that she really wants and Ella or the dog come near her she will scream bloody murder. 

About two months ago she started pointing at everything and saying "that". Especially when its something she wants. And if she wants it really bad its more like "thhhhhhaaaaatttt". Around this time she also learned to verbally identify a duck as well as quack. Everywhere she would see a duck she would yell "duck quack". She also learned to say "aww baby" when she holds her baby to her shoulder and rocks it. She also imitates like crazy. She sees you put sunscreen on, she starts rubbing the same part of her body, you wipe something from the floor, she wipes the floor, she always picks up a brush and tries to comb her hair. She doesn't even wear shoes or socks but she picks up a sock or a shoe and sits down, holds up her foot, holds the sock in both hands and tries putting it on. She can point to her belly when you ask where is your belly and tonight she pointed to a girl in a magazines mouth and I said mouth, Claire immediately took her finger and pointed to her own mouth. She also can point to hair. She yells for Ella and she can say up when she wants up. She loves to clap to a beat and to music and she always yells out clap when she does it. She loves to dance. She cannot help herself but to shake her shoulders back and forth anytime she hears a tune. Anytime I put sunglasses on her she sticks her face out and does this crazy shake/dance of her head and neck. Her thing the last two weeks is dogs. For awhile now she has said "hi dog" anytime she sees Winston but now its any dog or any picture of a dog. She yells "hi dog" and has now added "woof" to it this week as well. She is also obsessed with saying "hi dad or hey dad" to Tom. Even if he is outside and she can see him she will just repeatedly say "hi dad, hey dad". She also makes an elephant sound anytime she sees an elephant. She expressively labels cup and ball. She shakes her head back and forth for no or when she doesnt want something. She is really into playing with little baby dolls this week. She loves her Little Einstein treasure box where you put different plastic coins in a slot. She also loves to roll and throw a ball. She just learned to give a high five two weeks ago and she thinks its pretty cool. 
She has become absolutely obsessed with books in the last three weeks and will sit for a really long time with me pointing at the pictures and naming the things in the books. She has to be everywhere her sister and I am. She wants to be near us at all times. She is a water baby. She loves the pool and sticks her face in it. She LOVES the garden hose. She will hold the hose in one hand and her bucket in the other and fill it up or take little sips of water from the hose as she holds it. She loves to spray Ella with the hose and even herself. She LOVES the trampoline with Ella and to bounce or have the sprinkler under the tramp. She loves to crawl in and out of the Dora tent. 

She is still my magic baby. She attracts attention everywhere we go. I still cannot take her out in public without someone commenting about her. She just has that gift of making people happy. I hope she keeps that gift for everywhere. I know she makes us really really happy. Life wouldn't be complete without her. 

It is so crazy to me that at this time last year she was still in my belly. We were in the hospital awaiting her arrival. In less than an hour my labor was about to kick in and in five hours it marks her arrival. I get so sentimental the week or so before my girls birthdays. About a week before I start thinking oh I was still pregnant, oh I was out doing this or I was still at work or oh I had my last OB appointment, or we ate dinner at such and such hoping to get labor started, and then I start getting down to the hour by hour, minute by minute details. Like finding out we had to go straight to the hospital from the OB with just stopping at home for our bag and a bite to eat at Panera. Checking into the hospital at 515. Getting water broke, starting pitocin, crazy contractions, intense pain, her entering the world, pure/raw joy, elation, love. And just like that the whole experience comes right back to me and, I am just like then,  filled with raw emotion and pure joy. I cannot believe in just a few hours she will be a year old. Tonight I put an eleven month old to bed and in the morning I will wake up to a one year old. Happy Birthday Bear.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

“The things he sees are not just remembered; they form a part of his soul.” Maria Montessori

Yesterday Ella's class had a water day. I volunteered to help out and to take photos for the  year book/Facebook page. There were sprinklers, slip and slides, bubbles, chalk, pools, water toys, etc.

At first all the kids were kind of walking around, checking out the slip and slide. Ella was literally the first to dive right down the slip and slide.

The kids often take the sidewalk chalk and dip it in water and it creates an almost paste or paint. We haven't tried it at home before but will be doing it soon!

This is Alyssa. At the beginning of the year, as the newest and youngest, Ella had a hard time making friends. Ella's class is 3-6 year olds and many of the kids had been in the class two, if not three years. Alyssa moved here from out of state in November and they became fast and great friends. It really opened the door to Ella forming other friendships as well. Alyssa is truly Ella's first best friend. We have done a few play dates with Alyssa, her mom, and baby brother and even though Alyssa will be going to a different school next year, I see a lot of play dates in the future.

Ella has also formed really great friendships with Emma and Teigan who will both be in her class again next year.

It ended  up being fairly chilly yesterday morning and after about an hour of playing in the water a lot of the kids laid out in the sun. They seriously looked like teenage girls laying in the sun and chatting.

And today was Ella's last day of school! I cannot believe how quick this year passed. And check her out below! I mean I knew she grew but it really takes a side by side like this to really see the difference. She really shot up in height and her face just looks so much more grown up!

Tom, Claire, and I attended the celebration at Ella's school. They called up each child and said a little about each child. Her teachers talked about how determined she is and how each day she came in there with a plan and knew the exact works she was going to do. Also, how she was always determined to finish each task and how independent she is.

This year has solidified our decision in Montessori education. I love all it is and all it stands for. It really is a philosophy, a mindset, a way of life. Ella has really developed and blossomed this year in the classroom. She never ceases to amaze me with all she has learned. She has matured socially and emotionally in the classroom as well. I love to see how she just goes about her business working even while I am volunteering in the classroom. She has learned to write her name completely on her own! I mean self taught. She can count to hundred. She recognizes her numbers to ten. Her artistic ability blows my mind. The things she can tell me about from the American Flag, to constellations, to the life cycle of a frog, to counting and naming colors in Spanish, etc makes me so proud. We are so happy she will be a second year in the same classroom come September. Ella Rose we could not be more proud of you and we could not love you more.
So, let summertime begin! This mom is ready to enjoy summertime activities with my two girls.