Monday, July 29, 2013


Whoa my baby is four. I feel like we are taking that step closer into being a kid rather than a toddler or baby. Ok I'll admit it, we have already taken that step into kidhood (tear).
I will post my letter to Ella tomorrow night but I wanted this post to be more of an update. I also decided to start a little yearly interview with her that I will keep up every year with the same questions to see how they change.

 So from the mind of my four year old. 

-Color:  pink and purple
-Food: pancakes
-Drink: lemonade
-Toy: dollhouse
-Show: Wild Kratts
-Animal: Giraffe and worm
-Fruit: grapes
-Outfit: pajamas
-Song: lollipop (the oldies song)
-Game: Westie Monopoly
-Snack: goldfish
-Person: mommy (I didn't make this up)
-Treat (she picked this): lollipop and chocolate 
-Place: farm and spray park
-Movie: Monsters University 
-Book: Chamilia
-Holiday: Christmas
-Who are your favorite friends: Of course school friends to include Alyssa, Emma, Teagan, and Isabelle
-What is your favorite thing to do: go to the park
-What do you like to sleep with:
-What do you want to be when you grow up: a vet and a princess
-What is your favorite plant (Ella added this one): a flower. when pressed further what kind of a flower she replied any flower.
-What was your favorite gift you got for your birthday this year: American Girl

This was definitely the year of gaining independence. From heading off to school by yourself for the first time to learning to go to the bathroom all alone, to making your own friends all by yourself, dressing yourself, putting on your own shoes, learning to write your name all by yourself, learning to draw stick people, flowers, rainbows, sun, clouds, grass, getting a snack or drink on your own, to playing so quietly with your toys while your sister naps.
This was also the year of changes. You stopped going to Leslie's, you started school, you got the taste of what it's like to have a stay at home mom, you became a big sister (an amazing big sister), you gained a sibling, you became a second child rather than an only child.
And with all that. All the growing, changing, gaining independence you remained my sweet, kind hearted, loving, well behaved, amazing little girl. I am so proud of you Ella. This year has shown me what an amazingly strong will and beautiful heart and soul you have. You are destined to do great things. I just know it.

"A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark"
Dante Alighieri 

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