Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Today You Are A Year.

Yesterday you were eleven months and today you are one. There was a time before I was pregnant with you that I was not sure that I wanted another child. Not that I wasn't happy with a family of three, but rather that I was happy with a family of three. Tonight as you laid in my arms I couldn't figure out how I ever survived without you. You complete me. You complete our family. 

I will never stop saying that you are made of magic baby. It was magic that you came into our lives. But more than anything YOU are magic. It is impossible to be around you and not be happy. Your joy is just that contagious. You demand attention. Please don't ever lose that. Please don't let this world harden you and take that away. As I watched you play just yesterday I said to your dad that babies (more specifically you) are proof how much the world changes and hardens a person. He said how do you figure. I said just look at how happy and joyful she is with not a care in the world. The only time she is upset is when instinctual needs quick in such as hunger, pain, or fatigue. If nothing else in this world, I want my girls to be forever happy and confident. Please always smile and carry pure joy in your heart. My promise to you is to always support whatever hopes and dreams you have in hopes that it will help you maintain the joy in your heart. 

My life has changed in so many ways since you came into this world and all has been for the better. While it has not always been the easiest in going through some of the changes they have all been for the best. You have given me the gift of being a mother for the second time. You have given Ella the gift of having a sister, a forever best friend. You have given me the gift of being a stay at home mom and therefore being able to take in every moment of my two beautiful girls lives. That above all has been one of the most amazing gifts. 

I love absolutely everything about you. The way you are such a noisy baby and imitate every loud sound someone makes. The way you prefer to play sitting on my lap rather than next to me. The way your hair spikes on the top center and is starting to curl in the back. Your gorgeous blue eyes. Your fast army crawl across the floor. The way you insist on putting everything in your mouth, even though you know you shouldn't, and then immediately remove it from your mouth, hold it up to us and laugh. Your crazy, deep, excited laugh when something is handed to you that makes you really happy like your blankie. I could go on and on til the end of time. The list doesn't end. Everyday you make me smile. Everyday you make me laugh. Everyday you make me want to be a better person and everyday you make my life better because you are in it. I love you and I will until the end of time. 

Happy First Birthday my sweet sweet girl. 

(disclaimer: I did not take much time to edit these photos and I am noticing that the upload to the blog also killed the quality. Lately I have realized a lot of why I slack on posting on the blog is I want my photos to be perfectly edited before I put them on here but don't always have the time. Hence no blog posts. I need to get over that. This is for my girls, not for perfection)

"What I wanted most for my daughter was that she be able to soar confidently in her own sky, whatever that may be" 
 Helen Claes

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