Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve

Ella, Tom, and I traveled to Botkins for the annual Paul family Christmas Eve get together. I had a ton of anxiety about throwing off Ella's nighttime routine. The get together starts around 7 pm, which is a half hour shy of Ella's bedtime. Im both proud and a little embarrassed to say that Ella has had the same bedtime routine for the last 3.5 months! Ella actually passed out about a half hour after arriving with over 30 loud people in a room (check out the photo of the her blankie over her face, passed out). I was a bad mother and woke her up to take a picture with Santa. I couldn't resist as my uncle Lynn plays Santa each year for the kids and I didn't want to miss a photo opp. Ella chose to stay awake for the remainder of the party. She practiced her vocals by trying to out talk and out yell all the other party goers. She stayed up until midnight and did not have one moment of fussiness!

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