Tuesday, December 29, 2009


How quickly time flies! Ella is already five months old! We didnt do any fancy poses this time for her monthly picture. As you can see by the pj's, this was quickly done before bedtime. Its common for breastfed babies to go up to seven days or longer without a bm. Ella is on day 7 so we thought we would just try some prune/apple juice. She DESPISED it. We tried sippy cup (she loved the cup, hated the juice), bottle, and spoon. I don't plan to give Ella any liquids besides milk and water in the long run anyways so I guess its really not a loss. Hopefully nature takes its course. In the meantime, Ella continues to be her happy go lucky self! As you can see in some of the pics, Ella's eczema tends to flare up and right now its all over her body! There isn't much we can do aside from Cetaphil bodywash and lotion! Poor baby!

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