Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bear Chair

Ella loves to hang out in her bear chair and eat breakfast in the am while daddy gets ready to leave...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Museum Center

Tom, Ella, and I visited the children's section of the Museum Center at Union Terminal yesterday, which is the old train station. We had such a nice time and Ella stayed super busy the entire time!

Ella loved the water table but still is a little short to fully enjoy it

For some reason she absolutely loved this table. She got the biggest smile on her face and kept switching seats.

She enjoyed playing with the food in the kitchen..

Friday, August 27, 2010

Beautiful Evening

The weather has been so beautiful lately that we decided we would spend the evening outside as a family. We decided to eat dinner outside at Panera. Of course Ella HAD to have our apple and even sat in a big girl chair to eat it.

After Panera Tom, Ella, and I went to the park near our house to swing, walk, climb, and check out the ducks. Ella squealed in delight watching all the children play at the park. Every time Tom pushed her in the swing she got the biggest grin! What a beautiful night with my family

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What am I thankful for on this Thursday?

First off I am most thankful for this beautiful baby girl below (winston too)

2. Even though it seems like being a home owner means endless expenses and repairs, I am thankful that we have the means to pay for the repairs and thankful we have a home to make repairs on

3. I am thankful that the weekend is almost here which means time with my little family.

4. I am thankful for this amazing weather we have been having

5. I am thankful we found an amazing and reasonable local photographer who will be taking family/Ella's first bday photos on Monday.
Her website is www.blowingdandelionsphotography.com if youre interested in checking her out.

6. I am thankful for my friend Reba (who is requesting a shout out) for being my friend for over the last fifteen years. Even though we only see each other a couple times a year, we never skip a beat
Pic of her and her daughter whitt which I was there the day she was born!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

She discovered she could do this all on her own!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


We finally got a new jogging stroller!
This mamma posted a great review on this stroller if anyone is interested in checking out the link....http://theshoppingmama.com/2010/02/joovy-zoom-360-review/

More Wisconsin Fun....

Ate cheese sandwichs, that's what you do in Wisconsin

Fun in the pool with daddy

Great grandma Ann baked Ella a birthday cake and daddy helped blow out the candle

Daddy bought Ella her first Packers jersey and we watched thePackers pre season game

Spent time with family....