Monday, August 2, 2010

One year check up

Ella had her one year pediatrician appointment today which was exactly one year from our very first pediatrician appointment. She weighed 20lbs 5oz (45th percentile) and 29 3/8inches long (60th percentile). According to Dr Leanza Ella is "brilliant as far as receptive and expressive language capabilities, right on track with gross motor, and above average with fine motor skills".
I realize this a public blog site and it is this way for easy accessibility for grandmas. We are very proud parents of our smart and beautiful daughter. We will continue to be proud of our daugther til the day we die as this is one of the many and most important roles of a parent. The intent has never been to offend people that read this blog; however, if it does you have the choice to avoid it in the future.

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