Thursday, August 26, 2010

What am I thankful for on this Thursday?

First off I am most thankful for this beautiful baby girl below (winston too)

2. Even though it seems like being a home owner means endless expenses and repairs, I am thankful that we have the means to pay for the repairs and thankful we have a home to make repairs on

3. I am thankful that the weekend is almost here which means time with my little family.

4. I am thankful for this amazing weather we have been having

5. I am thankful we found an amazing and reasonable local photographer who will be taking family/Ella's first bday photos on Monday.
Her website is if youre interested in checking her out.

6. I am thankful for my friend Reba (who is requesting a shout out) for being my friend for over the last fifteen years. Even though we only see each other a couple times a year, we never skip a beat
Pic of her and her daughter whitt which I was there the day she was born!

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