Thursday, September 30, 2010

12. As always I am most thankful for Ella and I try to include a pic of her on most/all blog posts. Also wanted to share the music teacher at the sitters commented that we had an "exceptional child with her music capabilities, how smart she is, and how well she cleans up toys when told to".

13. I am thankful for my husband who next Monday (OCT 4) I will have been married to for 2 years. Thanks to Ella's grandmas, we get a weekend away to ourselves this weekend. Although I HATE the thought of leaving Ella and will miss her so much, we desparately need this time away together.

14. I am thankful for great insurance with all the doctor visits, Physical therapy, and diagnostic testing with this ankle. On the other hand I am thrilled its finally starting to fill a bit better even if I am still confined to this boot and its still swollen and black and blue.

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