Friday, September 17, 2010


This week Ella has decided to make the transition from two full naps a day to one. We have been putting her down still at 9 am for 30 minutes so that she gets quiet time. We have moved up her afternoon nap time to around 12 if she hasnt slept in the am. Wednesday she had her quiet time in am (didnt sleep) and slept for 1.5 hours in the early afternoon. Wednesday evening she spent almost the entire evening crying which is the complete opposite of how she normally is. Thursday she decided to sleep during am quiet time and refused afternoon nap. So as you can see below, she fell asleep during Tom's evening run. Ella never sleeps in the stroller and especially in the evenings! This nap transitioning could be a rough road!

Since I haven't updated on Ella happenings lately Ill add that to this blog as well!
The sitter shared with us that yesterday Ella took off for the bathroom. The sitter followed her and when they arrived in front of the bathroom, asked her what she was doing. Ella proceeded to tap her diaper and look up at the sitter, and sure enough there was poop in the diaper! wow I cannot believe she is already forming these connections. Can it already be time to start potty training?
Her obsession for the last couple weeks has been body parts! She wants us to label her body parts, our body parts, her babies body parts, body parts in books, the dogs body parts, etc. She is able to expressively and receptively identify hair, knee, back, head, ear, mouth nose, eye, teeth, and feet.
Her favorite, and I mean favorite thing to play with is her baby doll. She spends HOURS a day playing with her baby doll. Its quite remarkable to watch. She will put it in her little rocking chair and rock the baby, take it out, put it back in, she will pat her baby, put a blanket on her baby, pretend to feed the baby, pat the baby, put the baby in the cubbie of the desk, and so on.

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