Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mommy Ella

Ella is highly motivated to take care of her babies. Lately she has been wanting to frequently change her babies diapers. Several times a day she goes to the cloth diaper bin and dumps it out and then proceeds to...

First wipe her baby..

Then put a fresh clean diaper on the baby...

and yes if you noticed Ella is wearing underwear over her pants :) Thats where she wanted them on this particular day

Friday, February 25, 2011

This was little Miss Ella this time last year. What a difference in hair from last year and waking up this am!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shiny, Sparkly, Sticker fun!

Not the best quality of pictures since taken with my phone but I wanted to share pics of one of Ella's love in life...stickers! As you can see, lunch the other day turned into sticker fest. She literally wore the stickers on her stomach, under her shirt, all day til bath. I can bet me taking them off her was not near as much fun as her putting them on.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mini Mommy

What a good little mommy Ella is wearing her baby in a sling/wrap while doing some work in her kitchen.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Chef Ella

We finally ordered a kitchen for Ella from grandma Joanne for Christmas. I have been going back and forth for months on which wooden kitchen I wanted for Ella and we finally found the right one! This one has it all, laundry, iron and ironing board, chalkboard, phone, dishwasher, stove, etc.

As you can see below Ella worked really hard at helping Tom put the kitchen together. Thanks daddy!

Finished product...Took Tom over six hours to put together.

She has played with her kitchen everyday since we got it. She has the biggest smile on her face while she plays. She loves helping me do laundry so she was very happy to see her kitchen has a wash machine of its own!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Beautiful evening with a beautiful little girl

Tom had basketball tonight and the weather was gorgeous so Ella and I headed to the park right after dinner....

Im a mother who doesnt mind my child playing in dirts and rocks. The park was actually quite muddy but that didnt stop Ella and I from having a great time..

And yes Im also one of those mothers that allows her daughter to walk up the slide to learn in her own way that its not the best way to go up...

She loves swinging. Lately she has been saying things like I jumping or I dancing. Tonight while swinging she told me I swinging then one second later completed the sentence by saying "at the park". *tear* my little girl is such a toddler!

Last but not least I decided to break my diet a bit and share a vanilla milkshake with Ella. To my surprise, I only got a few sips and Ella downed the entire milkshake!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tom, Ella, and I spent part of the afternoon in Louisville yesterday to meet up with Grandma Joanne at work.
Ella opened her Valentine gift from Grandma which was a voice recorded animal book and Dora sunglasses....

We walked to lunch at Panera...

We walked the streets of downtown Louisville before heading back to Grandma's work...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Very first Valentines cards....

The sitter helped all the kids make Valentines boxes, including Ella. So tonight I made her very first Valetines cards to hand out to her friends and sitter. I also put a little magnet on the back for hanging on the fridge or chalkboard. My printer was acting up so they turned out a bit more faded than I anticipated.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Ella has had her little blankie since she was a newborn and the kitty since her first birthday. I always encouraged the attachment of the blankie and feel that it has played a part in her being such a great sleeper. I literally have only gone into her room once since she was five months old and that was due to her being sick. Other than that time, she sleeps all through the night and most nights without a peep. However she is beginning to cherish her loveys. They are only for nap and bedtime and Tom has her place them in the crib in the morning before they leave but more and more shes wanting them with her.

When she was an infant she would suck the blankie. Now she holds it up to her nose or rubs it with her hand...

The other day when she wasnt feeling well I allowed her to have them with her during the day

And I fear the day they fall apart or disappear...