Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Ella has had her little blankie since she was a newborn and the kitty since her first birthday. I always encouraged the attachment of the blankie and feel that it has played a part in her being such a great sleeper. I literally have only gone into her room once since she was five months old and that was due to her being sick. Other than that time, she sleeps all through the night and most nights without a peep. However she is beginning to cherish her loveys. They are only for nap and bedtime and Tom has her place them in the crib in the morning before they leave but more and more shes wanting them with her.

When she was an infant she would suck the blankie. Now she holds it up to her nose or rubs it with her hand...

The other day when she wasnt feeling well I allowed her to have them with her during the day

And I fear the day they fall apart or disappear...

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