Monday, February 1, 2010

6 month check up

Ella had her six month visit today. She weighed 16 pounds 13 ounces (80th percentile for weight) and is 26 inches long (70th percentile for height). The pediatrician said she is perfect and as always, commented on her strength and advancement as far as milestones go. Poor Ella is having a major eczema flare up right now with the weather and all of her drool. Hopefully one day soon she will outgrow it. The pediatrician also saw two bumps forming, so the bottom teeth are on their way. No way to tell though exactly when theyll decide to pop up! Ella seems to be experiencing both stranger anxiety and separation anxiety. She was NOT happy about the doctor touching her today but was fine the second she got away from her. As for separation anxiety, I was not allowed to leave her side today. She screamed while i was in the shower (very unusual), while I got ready, and I even had to hold her while I went to the bathroom. Ridiculous! Ella has a new sound for excitement. Its no longer growling but now panting! She is crazy! The pics below are from last week of Ella enjoying some zucchini that mommy made and playing with daddy!

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