Friday, February 26, 2010


Ella has begun saying mama! It happens mostly when she is mad or fussing (go figure!); although the sitter mentioned yesterday to Tom that she has been saying mama a lot throughout day.
I think teeth are about to appear any day now. She is constantly sucking her gums and drooling a lot more. She has started waving, however it is backwards! I am assuming this is because that is how she sees other people wave at her. What a smart little baby she is! She is spending more and more time on her tummy playing without complaining or rolling over. She is still sleeping over 11 hours straight through the night which feels amazing. Hooray for crying it out! This weekend we have swimming again, lunch with friends Katie and Livi, and then to Botkins on Sunday for an overnight with grandma Joyce. Pics to follow.
I wanted to say congrats to Nicole and welcome to the world baby Madeline on the same day as my mom's birthday!

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