Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Ella is such an active and happy baby and loves spending her day playing. Her new favorite thing is to have her box of toys in front of her and one by one pull all of them out and throw each one to the side. Every now and then there is one that is good enough to chew on for a seconds before she moves on to the next! She has been sitting like a champ for over a month now (boppy behind her for the moments she decides to throw herself back to see whats going on behind her). She is even going from sitting position to belly when a toy is out of reach! She still LOVES watching winston and has taken an interest in her feet again after a couple months of not paying much attention to them. She spent three days at the in home montessori last week and seems to LOVE it! She was such a chatterbox in the evenings last week. The teacher shared that Ella is captivated by the other two children in the program. Ella continues to eat just a little solids each day. She does really well with them but we're really in no rush. She seems to love veggies (aside from green beans) and hates fruits! Odd!

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