Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

8 months!

I cannot believe Ella is already 8 months! We started music class today (no pics unfortunately) and of course the dancing queen absolutely loved it! She was such a ham showing off by dancing and squealing. She did a great job imitating the instructor with her instruments (egg shakers this time). Ella is developing such a sense of humor. She yells or squeals and slams her hands down then looks at us and laughs and waits for us to laugh. She initiated peek a boo today by putting her lovey over her face, pulling it down quickly, looking at me, then laughing. After I said peek a boo she giggled like crazy and did it three more times. Its moments like that that truly make life worth living. She has learned to clap by watching us, but just like waving once was, its not quite perfect. She claps by smacking the palm of one hand on the back of the other. Pretty amazing however that she has picked these things up just by watching us. She is doing amazing with table foods; however, they of course have made her constipated. She is actually able to pick up cheerios with pincher grasp (thumb and pointer finger) and get them to her mouth! This is actually a skill that often doesnt appear til 9 or ten months!

Crazy Dancing Queen...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Ten Little Ladybugs

Ella absolutely loves the book Ten Little Ladybugs. She pays close attention as I read, squeals each time I turn the page, and has to touch the ladybugs on each page.

she also enjoys her new book peek a zoo...thanks grandma joyce!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

On the move with melons

Ella has found a new love in life, dancing and melons. We introduced her to chunks of cantaloupe the other night and since, she just cant get enough! She will hold on for dear life to that melon and eat it the whole piece bite by bite. Typically she could care a less if she drops food on the floor but when it comes to precious melon, that baby will scream and stare at the melon in horror! She is developing quite the personality these days. The girl loves music and will dance to any beat or tune. She is rolling everywhere. The sitter shared that Ella cannot even be across the room by herself these days and will roll across the room to be next to the sitter and sibling pair! I noticed tonight that when I was clapping to a song and she was watching me, that she too was attempting to clap! She is truly the queen of imitation. Two nights ago during bath, Tom was showing her how to splash with palm facing down. She wasnt quite buying into it; however, tonight whats the first thing she does when she gets in the tub? Starts splashing away and then proudly turned to mommy and daddy to share in that moment! Ahhhh what joy!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Photo Shoot!

We had Ella's pictures taken today at JcPenneys and I couldnt be happier! She honestly did not take one bad picture!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Lets go X

Ella is sporting her Xavier shirt today (daddy took this pic this am and daddys alumni) and hoping for a big win in the NCAA tournament. They will be playing at 1230 today and daddy is at home anticipating a win so he can make the trip to Wisconsin on Sunday to watch the muskies play! X U!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Only Words Wednesday

Im sure the pictures are what all of you frequent this site for, and Im sorry for not adding any, YET! I could not resist telling everyone that Ella's first pearly white has broke through the bottom gum! Of course she wont really give you a chance to see in there but it looks like teeth are finally on their way! Breastfeeding gets a little scary from this point on :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Poor Ella...

Our household has really been hit in the last two weeks! Tom finally went to the doctor yesterday after being ill for a week and he has bronchitis and sinus infection. I had the stomach flu last week. Ella started with a runny nose last week and by the weekend had a terrible cough with wheezing. I took her to the pediatrician (twice yesterday, once again in afternoon for breathing issues) where they diagnosed her with croup and double ear infection! Through all this not feeling well, she did not complain once until the breathing issues yesterday afternoon! Fortunately Ella has only been ill twice but unfortunately its been with two of the terrible infant illness, bronciolitis and croup. I had taken so much pride in us not running her around all over the town and her being fairly healthy with 0 ear infections up to this point! I have friends who have sick children all the time and I honestly do not know how they manage as it nearly broke my heart this am to leave her at the sitters (ok ill admit I cried after I left). On the bright side, she was sooooo excited to see the sibling pair that goes there. I am hoping this takes her mind off being sick.
Another positive, Ella's eczema on her face is looking fabulous. This is the best its looked since shortly after she was born! I am hoping with the weather getting warmer that her eczema continues to improve. Ella absolutely loves dancing! She will sit and shake her little body to any song, beat, tune, hum, you name it! It is absolutely adorable. She is getting better with saying dada, mama (still not directed at tome or i), baba, gaga, yaya, and gee. The cutest thing in the world is that she has taught herself to wave hi and bye on cue when she hears someone say hi or bye. she even waved at the phone yesterday when my mom was saying Hi Ella! I told Tom this am that somehow everyday gets harder to be away from her when I figured it would only get easier. He said its due to all her cuteness and how smart she is becoming that makes it difficult to leave. Ella is also the queen of imitation. She is amazing at imitating our actions and us showing her how to use and manipulate objects. I am also thrilled to say that she is finally finally finding the motivation to roll onto her stomach! I knew she had it in her but didn't see the purpose. We have been better about not handing everything to her and making her work for it!
Will try to post videos and pics later.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Who says hanging at home isnt fun?

I helped mommy with laundry

I fed myself carrots and broccoli. I loved the carrots but gave winston my broccoli.

I took a walk with mommy, daddy, and Winston

I posed for pictures yet AGAIN (oh my)

I fed myself cereal (and made a mess)

I played peek a boo with mommy