Thursday, March 25, 2010

On the move with melons

Ella has found a new love in life, dancing and melons. We introduced her to chunks of cantaloupe the other night and since, she just cant get enough! She will hold on for dear life to that melon and eat it the whole piece bite by bite. Typically she could care a less if she drops food on the floor but when it comes to precious melon, that baby will scream and stare at the melon in horror! She is developing quite the personality these days. The girl loves music and will dance to any beat or tune. She is rolling everywhere. The sitter shared that Ella cannot even be across the room by herself these days and will roll across the room to be next to the sitter and sibling pair! I noticed tonight that when I was clapping to a song and she was watching me, that she too was attempting to clap! She is truly the queen of imitation. Two nights ago during bath, Tom was showing her how to splash with palm facing down. She wasnt quite buying into it; however, tonight whats the first thing she does when she gets in the tub? Starts splashing away and then proudly turned to mommy and daddy to share in that moment! Ahhhh what joy!

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