Monday, March 29, 2010

8 months!

I cannot believe Ella is already 8 months! We started music class today (no pics unfortunately) and of course the dancing queen absolutely loved it! She was such a ham showing off by dancing and squealing. She did a great job imitating the instructor with her instruments (egg shakers this time). Ella is developing such a sense of humor. She yells or squeals and slams her hands down then looks at us and laughs and waits for us to laugh. She initiated peek a boo today by putting her lovey over her face, pulling it down quickly, looking at me, then laughing. After I said peek a boo she giggled like crazy and did it three more times. Its moments like that that truly make life worth living. She has learned to clap by watching us, but just like waving once was, its not quite perfect. She claps by smacking the palm of one hand on the back of the other. Pretty amazing however that she has picked these things up just by watching us. She is doing amazing with table foods; however, they of course have made her constipated. She is actually able to pick up cheerios with pincher grasp (thumb and pointer finger) and get them to her mouth! This is actually a skill that often doesnt appear til 9 or ten months!

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