Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy 9 months Ella!

Not much to report since I have been blogging like crazy lately. No pics today but TONS to follow as we leave for Myrtle Beach tomorrow night. Can you imagine how many pictures this mommy can take with a whole week away from work, at the beach, with a baby? Ill apologize in advance. Only news to report is Im pretty sure we are convinced to make the switch to cloth diapers! I actually asked my sitter how she felt about it yesterday and she stated she had just ordered a couple cloth diapers and was going to see if we were interested in switching! we could not be blessed with a better sitter! We are attending a workshop at Family Enrichment Center May 15 regarding cloth diapering and will probably make the switch at that point.
Happy 9 months Ella! We could not imagine our lives without you!

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