Sunday, April 25, 2010

We got Ella a new ride on/walker toy as well as some magnetic letters to play with while mommy is cooking. The stationary entertainer is just way too boring for her at this point so we need new strategies for while mommy is in the kitchen. Ella is learning new things everyday, literally. She is pointing like crazy (which you can see in the videos), pointing at things she wants and pointing at things she wants us to label. And the diff is clear...when she wants you to label she points, makes a distinct sound then waits...when she wants something she just points then looks back and forth between you and the object of desire. She also is trying to imitate EVERYTHING we are saying. May not be perfect articulation but definetly an approximation. Bird, balloon, boom, and ball sound pretty much dead on. The videos below are her standing at her musical toys (all she wants to do anymore), her version of music with yelling and banging toys together, and helping daddy work.

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