Monday, April 19, 2010

Tiny Tots Music Class

Ella and mommy are attending the 9 week Tiny Tots Music class at The Cincinnati Family Enrichment Center. There are 8 mommys and babies ages 6 mos to 14 mos. During class we sing, dance, finger games, and experiment with instruments. I was able to get a few pictures today (although its hard to see Ella). The pictures I took were during the time that the teacher gets out a hat box which the kids drum on, then we get out scarves and sing songs and play peek a boo with the scarves. On a side note, I have the smartest child ever :) Ella just keeps amazing Tom and I. Her pincher grasp (which shes had since 8 mos) is absolutely amazing and shes able to pick up the tiniest things and get them to her mouth. She is pointing at objects in books and things she wants. This is super advanced and a skill that typically does not appear til 12 mos. She is clicking her tongue for the word quack, which is absolutely adorable. Her duck that sings quack quack quack etc, she clicks the entire time. Also, she has been saying mamma, dadda, babba, etc for quite some time but i was SOOOOO impressed today when she dropped something and I yelled boom and ella imitated it!!! It was more like boo than boom but she literally will repeat that boo each and everytime i say boom! Ill have to get it on video. What an amazing little girl. We could not be more proud to be her parents!

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