Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween Treat Street at Deerfield Towne Center

Last weekend while Tom and I were away, my mom, my Aunt Shelly, and her daughter Anna (7yrs old) came to our house to stay with Ella. Friday night, The Deerfield Towne Center near our house had Trick or Treat at the shops. There was also a balloon maker, a small petting zoo, firemen, etc. The three of them took Ella Trick or Treating. She dressed as a fairy princess and had an absolutely wonderful time. I was glad my mom was able to get a few pictures of her as due to her illness this week we were not able to go Trick or Treating on Halloween as planned. On Halloween, Ella asked me several times that day "will you take me trick or treating?". When I said we will see how you are feeling, she followed it with a "pllllllleeeeeassssse". I felt so bad but she was way too sick.
I hear Ella and Anna really hit it off and did a great job sharing and playing together. Thanks mom, Shelly, and Anna for making our trip to Jersey possible as well as peace of mind that Ella was in such great hands!

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