Saturday, November 26, 2011

O Christmas Tree

We put up the Christmas tree this week. 
Ella helped me carry the tree in...

Then while I did the hard part, straightening the branches, she sat and watched and read books

And acted goofy

Until I broke out the ornaments and then she got down to business. She put the first two ornaments on the tree and then designated herself as the one to take all the ornaments out of the box and hand them to me. She was beyond excited and ooohed and aaahhhed at every ornament she took out. She was handing them to me so quick that I think we got the ornaments on the tree with record speed. She was so gentle unwrapping each one of them and nothing was broken

From the moment we got the tree out, Ella kept saying, "It needs a start on top"
She was even able to be the one to put the star on top of the tree this year

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