Monday, November 7, 2011

My little TumbleBee

Ella started the TumbleBee class tonight at Kids First. Thanks Grandma JoJo for the early Christmas present! She absolutely loved it. She did such a great job of listening to the teachers and following instructions. Even the teacher noted how nice of a job she was doing for her first gymnastics class. She even made a few friends. Two things I do not like about these type of classes 1.Kids who do not take turns and are just plain mean. Even worse are the parents who do not say anything about their child's behavior. 2. Parents who bring their clearly ill children to these group classes. Overall I was very impressed with the class and looking forward to the next eight weeks. I couldn't ask for more than seeing Ella's huge smile the entire class............................................................................................................................. Chatting it up with another two year old about her leg warmers as they waited for class to start (other child clearly not pictured)
Getting into somersault position

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