Thursday, February 7, 2013


This little one said her second word yesterday, dada. I repeated it over and over for about two days and bam, she started saying it. The tips of both the bottom teeth are poking through!

And OMG this picture melts my heart.

This little one never ceases to amaze me with her endless amount of knowledge and her sharp memory.
This morning on the way to school I was talking to the receptionist at the dentist. I was rescheduling my appt and telling her that for this visit the dentist wants to take an x ray and put on a temporary cap. End of phone call, no more mention of caps or dentist. Skip forward to me picking Ella up from school, first thing she asks me when she gets in the car "mommy did you get your cap on your tooth?"

(posing with one of my very first photography props!)

Then tonight she is drawing these scribbles on her easel and telling me that they are constellations. That they are the big dipper, the little dipper, and a man and his dog. She even talked about where the dippers are in relation to each other. I mentioned something on Facebook about it and her teacher shared that during nature class today they had "star lab" and discussed the constellations. I love to hear about all she is learning in school and that she is retaining it!

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