Monday, February 4, 2013

Around here.

I finished up Ella's Valentine Cards for school last week. I have been working on them off and on for a couple weeks. I didn't want to wait til last minute like I did with Christmas gifts and have to rush through them. 

I will never again print at Walmart. I know that a professional lab is the way to go but I wanted quick and simple. Well quick cut off my letter s on Valentine's and quick got my crappy coloring and contrast. Lesson learned.

Regardless they turned out super cute!

Take a picture, print it 4x6, use an exacto knife to cut a slit above and below the hand, stick sucker in and Voila!

For her 27 classmates and we plan to mail out a few to friends who don't go to school with her

Last Friday I helped out at Ella's Winter Celebration at school. Similar to the fall celebration there were craft work stations set up that the kids rotated through. The theme was Valentine's Day and most the crafts related to the holiday. The kids also decorated a heart sugar cookie with fruits and jam. One of the kids in Ella's class happens to have a grandmother who is a singing telegram, Mrs. Happy. She came and sang a winter celebration song and made the teachers dance. Another child's mom did an awesome job painting the kids faces! We had a lot of fun.

Once home, Ella had to get back to taking care of her many babies

Ella came down with congestion/head cold last Tuesday. She was finally getting over it this weekend. Claire came down with it on Friday but worse than Ella. That child has had so much thick, yellow snot pouring out of her nose. She is so congested, and drooling, and having trouble sleeping. Last week her lower gums were really swollen with a translucent, raised slit. I knew the tooth was about to pop at any point. You can now feel the very very tip of the rigid top of the one tooth but you can't see it. Now right beside it is a translucent swollen slit. She is all rashy on her cheeks and neck from drooling, teething, and snot. Poor girl is trying to pop two teeth while she has a head cold. No wonder she is cranky, not sleeping, and looking miserable. Still photogenic though!

This morning I woke up congested and my throat is killing me! This afternoon the crown on my back tooth came completely off. I can't get into the dentist until Thursday so it'll be a fun, painful few days with not a lot of eating or drinking. sigh...

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