Tuesday, January 29, 2013

things to remember.

I saw this quote this evening "No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you...After all, you know what my heart sounds like from the inside". When I read this I immediately thought of my girls and instantly teared up.
I take photos to remember as many small moments as I can. I look at a photo and I can instantly feel that moment. These are the day to day moments I never want to forget....
Ella I never want to forget how wrapped up in joy you are when you play

Claire I never want to forget how your big blue eyes can melt my heart in an instant.

Ella I never want to forget an inch of your sweet face

Or the baby phase where absolutely everything goes straight to the mouth

I hope the love the two of you share never fades

Or the fact that Ella has interest in me teaching her to use MY big camera. She took these pics of me and her doll. Pretty darn good! And yes those are wrinkles. Children are aging me! She actually got some more spot on face shots of me but they weren't too flattering!

Claire I never ever want to forget how fair and soft like velvet your squishy arms are

Or that you find kids playing in the funniest places wearing firemen hats and shoes on the wrong feet

And the awesome shoe/pants combo that kids come up with

Or that at this age when they get a massive bump on the head they aren't too cool to still get hugs and kisses from mom and dad. And those hugs and kisses make it all better

Or that a Princess Ariel rubbery dress is the.best.damn.thing.in.the.world.to.chew.

Or Claire, for some reason I could die over your hair growing in over your ear. Only a mother could find this so cute. Or worth blogging over

I never want to forget rubbing Eucalyptus oil on your feet on the eve of coming down with a cold

Or the way the curls fall on your shoulders

These are the things that make me a mother. These are the things that make life worth living.

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