Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dear Claire.

Dear Claire,
You have set us on a path that a year and half ago I would have never expected. Finding out I was pregnant with you was an unexpected gift. You were exactly what we needed to make this family complete.
Fast forward and now here you are, six months old this week. Halfway to one! Closer to one than the first day I held you. Rather than imagining if we will have a second child, I cannot imagine my life without you as my second child. You are magic. Your personality is infectitious. You have a special gift of bringing joy to everyone around you. I hope you never lose that gift.
There's something to be said about after the rain comes the sun. One month old was lovely, so was two, three, and four but it was also tough. A big adjustment going from a family of three to a family of four. And oh your sleep in those months Claire, let's just leave it at  I'm glad we are finally getting some rest. But five months and now six months? Pure delight. Exuberant, contagious happiness. A bundle of squishy, kissable, baby chub. Squirmy, bouncy, wide eye wonder. That is what six months is.  It's amazing, wonderful. And just like you, magical.  I love absolutely everything about you. I love your big blue eyes, your perfect, silky, yummy skin, your huge smile, the way you are so ticklish when I undress you for bath, the way you watch you sister with such awe, how breathy and excited you get right before you latch on to eat, the way you demand attention, your baby rolls. You know what I love best? You are forever ours and each day we get the pleasure of being a part of your life and watching you grow.  
Because of you I spend my days at home with my children that I love. Because of you I am exploring new directions and paths in my life. Because of your magic I smile a little more each day.
I am literally over the moon over you. I will forever adore you. You can count on that. I cross my heart.


This was Ella's shirt and not until I put it on Claire last week did I realize it has her name! (french squirrel cartoon)

We had her six month check up today so stat post to follow later this week. Turns out she more than likely isn't sick but rather from teething!

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