Saturday, January 12, 2013

Week. End.

It's been a really great week. Claire's sleep continues to improve, which means I am getting sleep. She is going down fully awake, without crying, playing for a few minutes, and then going to sleep. Really working at learning to self soothe, and only waking twice a night. Naps are also starting to increase in length. Timing of her schedule has never been an issue, but rather the length of sleep so I am glad to finally see that improving. We have had the tv off everyday til around 6pm or so and Ella has been a playing machine. We all just seem happier. Happy again. It feels nice. We are just enjoying our last week of Tom on break. Unfortunately he will be back at it starting next week. The weather was gorgeous yesteday so Ella and I both strapped our babies in our ergo carriers and took a walk. 

This afternoon we are heading down to our friends, Bowshers. The kids will play, Tash and I will catch up, Tom and Bowsher will watch The Packers game (go pack go). Ella is very excited. Last night at dinner she said who is going. When we replied "all of us", she screamed "all of us! moley goley" (as in holy moly lol)

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