Thursday, January 24, 2013

6 months.


Weight: 16lbs 5oz  (50th percentile)
Height: 24 7/8 inches (50th percentile)
Head: 42 3/4 cm (50th percentile)




Breastfed every three hours. A couple weeks ago my mom tried to give her a bottle while Tom and I were out to dinner and she refused. That's the first attempted bottle since October. In the last week I have given her a sippy cup of water here and there. At this point it is mainly for her to start learning to hold and use a cup. At times she gets it tipped up very briefly but mostly just chews on it.

I am still making all of her solids. She has a couple teaspoons of solids a day. So far she has tried bananas, avocados, squash, peas, pears, apples, and sweet potatoes. Pears are by far her favorite. Apples tend to constipate her and pears make her go the other way. Tonight after she ate apples her cheeks turned bright red. Not sure what that was about but will have to keep an eye on it next time she gets apples.

She is also still receiving two doses of Zantac a day. We also mix Culturelle Probiotic into her solids each day.


Leaving it at MUCH improved


--> sitting fully unsupported since 5 months and 1 week
--> developing object permeance
--> stranger anxiety already! doesn't usually develop til around 9 months. at the doctor office yesterday she liked watching a kid and a woman in the waiting room then another boy walked in and she looked at him and wailed. as we were waiting in the exam room the medical assistant walked in, claire looked at her and wailed til she finished her exam and left. claire was fine with pediatrician until she touched her. then at the end the nurse came in to give shots and claire wailed as soon as she looked at her. she intently studies everyone we come in close contact with. if anyone aside from myself holds her, even tom, she likes to have me in her vision.
--> when she is excited, especially while sitting on your lap, she bounces like crazy and tries to rock her body back and forth. same for if she hears music. she immediately starts rocking and bouncing and squealing.
--> she has figured out how to palm down, splash the water in the bathtub and gets a kick out of it
--> hand to hand transfer with toys. trying to manipulate a few of her toys. she has a treasure chest that you push a button and it plays music. there have been a few times that she touches her finger to the button when the music stops
--> has discovered her feet and ears and likes playing with both


--> Very distracted while breastfeeding. If anyone talks, makes a noise, or walks by while she is eating she has to check it out
--> loves her little blankie and soft doll lovey. She has to sleep with one of them smack dab over her face. They are tiny and she can move them from her face so I dont worry. If she wakes up, you will see her on the video monitor find them and put them over her face. She is also becoming a side sleeper. Left side only.
--> she is all over the bed! rolling back to side, back to side. She ends up completely sideways, the opposite end that I put her, completely sideways again, then back to where she started!
--> Ella is her idol. Everything Ella does is cool to Claire
--> Getting better about me walking away for a bit....well, as long as Ella is in the room!
--> Still use Puj tub every now and then but she mainly bathes in the big tub with sister! (Claire had her first bathtub poop while in the tub with Ella a couple weeks ago!)


Wow six whole months come and gone. My sweet baby is growing up.

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