Tuesday, January 29, 2013

dates and day end.

So I had hit this to post last night and for some reason it didn't. So all this happened yesterday, not today. Not going back through and changing all the words.
This was my breakfast date this am.
And yes I dry laundry on my kitchen railing

She tries to eat the napkins.

And all twenty of her toys end up on the floor in less than five minutes


And she's messy when she tries to feed herself

Ella has been begging for quite awhile for us to take her to Chuck E Cheese so the four of us went there today for a lunch date.

The gut in the pic is not Tom

One of her prizes from Chuck E Cheese. Bling

These two were my dinner dates since Tom is at school

And the day end...

I love that since Ella got her Stompeez, no matter where she takes them off, couch, bed, etc, she has to put them together and right up to it. She started that all on her own

And now the girls are in bed and I can sit and relax!

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