Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Out with Old. In with The New.

For the last two years on New Years Day I have put up a collage of each month of that year of my favorite photos. I had planned on doing that again this year, and even went through all my photos a few days ago and picked out my favorites. However, today came and I decided I didn't want to follow through with. I put enough pics on here and Facebook that all of you have seen them, and honestly today I am too tired to put them in a collage!
2012 brought  Claire into our lives/ and with her, a little unexpected joy. She can put a smile on anyones face and warm a strangers heart. 2012 was also one of the most challenging years of my entire life. I was pregnant, left one job, started another job (absolutely hated that job, was treated poorly at that job, and endured daily stress there, most dont even know all that occurred there), gave birth to our second child and welcomed her into our family (which also led to almost no sleep at all), left my job, became a stay at home mom which led to changes in our financial status. ALL, considered major life events. Just one major life event in a year can cause a person stress; yet, somehow I endured many life events in 2012. It left me exhausted, burnt, bitter, and at times not sure if I would make it out alive. These days I am feeling better. These days I am starting to truly enjoy my girls again and move on and enjoy this blessing I have been given. I say goodbye to 2012. I leave behind some unpleasant people and experiences and welcome 2013. I hope for a fresh start with laughter and smiles and that I can find the beauty in each day.
Growing up New Years Eve seemed like such a big deal. It almost seemed magical. As a kid it meant excitement and anticipation and also the possibility of staying up a little late. As a teenager and in college it meant finding the perfect party, the perfect date, the perfect outfit, and again staying up late. The last few years we let the magic go. It really no longer seemed like a big deal. We stayed in and went to bed early. We hadn't even watched the ball drop for three years or more. And we were ok with that. This year though we decided to make it special. Make it magical. Not the staying up late, perfect date, perfect party kind of magical but real magic, the kind of magic that sparkles in a child's eye. We had noise makers, party hats (we all wore one, even tom and the dog), sparkling cider, a toast, a kiss, confetti shooters, dinner by candlelight, we talked about our dreams, our hopes, our wish for the New Year, we yelled "happy New Year", we sang, we danced, we laughed, we were silly, we rang in the New Year at 630, still didn't stay awake for the ball drop, and I heard more than once "I love New Years Eve, and it was magic.



From our family to yours, Happy 2013!

 "Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life. Dont be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other peoples thinking. Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition"
  Steve Jobs..

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