Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What's been going on.

This past weekend I got all my Christmas decor down. What a relief to have that packed up and put away. My mom was here on the weekend to help with the girls while I got the decor down. Tom was a big help taking stuff down and putting it up in the attic. And as always, Ella had to help take the ornaments off the tree.

IT IS OFFICIAL! We have a sitter in the house! Claire is officially sitting as of the this past weekend. She can sit and play with toys in front of her and beside her for quite long periods of time. She does have the occasional tumbling backwards but I can say that we have hit yet one more major milestone! She will be 5.5 months this Thursday.

As of this past weekend she has also found her feet. She loves watching them and grabbing them when she is sitting up or laying down.

She has also started to notice the details of toys. Rather than just shove them in her mouth she will examine them, touch them lightly with her fingers, and manipulate different parts of them. She is especially fascinated by tags

She is constantly sucking her bottom lip so I am wondering if teething is on the horizon? She also seems a bit more fussy.

Ok I am a sucker for baby leg chub. Ella had it and Claire really has it. I dont think there is anything that screams baby more! She absolutely loves having her diaper off and rolling all over

This is the real color of her eyes. The color has not been edited. Gorgeous

Ella started back to school the end of last week. I wondered how she would handle it but I knew she was happy to be back when she jumped out my car that morning chattering on and on to the teachers about her break. She ran right into school, not missing a beat. The teachers sent an email saying she seems happy to be back and is staying very busy. She has also been staying extra busy at home. It's nice to see her back to her old self. The break seemed to bring out major boredom in her despite us staying busy. We do not watch a lot of tv around here but the last two days we have not turned on the tv at all until thirty minutes before bed. She has played non stop from the time she gets home from school until after dinner. She is on a kick again of playing with her babies. She has about 15 different little babies (cat in the hat even joined in). She goes back and forth from playing she is their doctor and checking them out to she is their mother. A very good mother I might add.

She can change a mean diaper, all on her own. And she is a champion breastfeeder. Of course she would choose that method of feeding. Makes me proud. She even pumps them milk. LOL

She recently downloaded The Littlest Pet Shop App where you get animals, houses for them, have to feed and water them, play with them, etc. She is really into it.

And as always there is a lot of sisterly love. Ella is the most amazing big sister. Even if I go to the bathroom and Claire starts complaining, she will jump in and baby talk or do something silly to make her laugh. Claire is absolutely obsessed with Ella and watching her every move.

Life is Good.

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