Friday, January 11, 2013

20 teeth.

Ella had her first visit to the dentist yesterday. I have never in my life seen someone so excited about going to a dentist. She talked about it for weeks. When I picked her up from school yesterday the teacher said Ella had to tell the whole class that she would be going to the dentist after school. We picked a pediatric dentist named Elizabeth Mueller. I am so glad we chose her and both Ella and myself were extremely pleased with the experience. 

I went to grab my NIKON when I was heading out the door, but as luck would have it, the battery was dead. I had to settle for my phone!

The girls at the front desk set a pleasant tone from the moment we walked in the door. They made us feel welcome and completely gushed over both Claire and Ella. Ella was pumped about all the toys and stuffed animals in the brand new office/waiting room. The facility is super kid friendly.

The hygienist came to get us and made sure to talk to and address Ella more than me. Especially when giving the tour of the facility. She said "now Ella, this is the _____".  Brownie points for her. All the hygienists and staff also made sure to say hi to and introduce themselves to Ella as we made our way around the office.

The hygienist had Ella start by picking out a toothbrush and brushing her teeth

Once Ella sat in the chair, the hygienist discussed with and showed her all the instruments. She even had the little water sprayer spray into a cup and then mister thirsty drank it up. She made sure that Ella took note of the noise all the instruments made. She demonstrated on a little dragon that had teeth.

They have the kids wear sunglasses because of the bright light as well as so water or debris does not fly in their eye. The hygienist even went as far as to explain that she was going to put on her "bug eye" glasses as she described them so she could see Ella's teeth.


Ella got right down to business, sat right back in that chair, gripped the arm rests, opened her mouth, and did not move a muscle or close her mouth for the ENTIRE exam. The hygienist counted her teeth, scraped them (and noted that there was no plaque on her teeth at all!), and polished them with raspberry (Ella's pick) polish. The hygienist stated several times that this was a big deal and something to be proud of as it is highly unusual for a child to behave as well and do as well as Ella did at a first visit. I laughed and she said no I'm serious she is doing awesome. She kept saying to Ella "Ella is there a grandma in there cause you are sitting like an old lady"! LOL. She praised Ella the whole time and kept a running dialogue of all that was going on.

Ella even sat still and let her run the water spray and mister thirsty at the same time.

While Ella was waiting for the dentist she put her glasses and bib on the dragon. The hygienist gave Ella the mirror to look at his teeth.

The dentist stated Ella's teeth were very clean and no cavities. Ella got a gold coin to use in the tower of prizes.

There was also video games that she was able to play for a bit at the end. I could not have asked for a better first dental visit for Ella. Heck, Claire and I even enjoyed it. It was fun, kid friendly, pretty much perfect. I also could not have been more proud of Ella. We both look forward to the next visit

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