Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Valentines.

This week has been spent celebrating love and Valentine's Day. We baked Valentine cookies and crafted Valentine crafts. My favorite Valentine, and I'm pretty sure Ella's too, was the heart shaped cheerio bird feeder. Ella got to pass out her Valentine cards at school today and came home with a ton of Valentine cards from her classmates. She told me this afternoon that this has been the best holiday she has had so far. Then at bedtime she said "I had a great Valentines Day".  Kids truly make the holidays special. Tom and I haven't celebrated Valentine's Day in years. He has always been one of those guys that randomly buys flowers or says go out and do something special for yourself or plans a dinner out. We don't need a scheduled day to say I love you or do something special for each other. Same for our children, we try to make each day special and make them feel loved, today we just went a little overboard. And there's nothing wrong with that. My girls have shown me what pure, unconditional, true love is. And they came from the love Tom and I share each day.


As this picture shows, lighting is everything. but I liked the pic so I didnt want to delete it

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