Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Busy Days/Sleepless Nights

I have been awful about updating this blog lately! It seems like Tom nor I get a second these days and our free time is spent with Ella or trying to catch up on sleep. My mom came and spent last Thursday with Ella and of course brought a ton of new toys and clothes. Im pretty sure Ella is set on clothes all the way up through 18 mos! Toms mom came on Sunday and brought Packers gear for next season (pictures of Packers hat to come soon!) and more new toys! Mommy also bought some new toys last week. We needed to stock up on some big girl toys. Since Ella's epsiode of constipation weve had some issues with sleep. A couple weeks ago she started waking every couple hours in the night and would not go to sleep unless rocked. We were also having a very difficult time laying her down once she went to sleep in our arms. We came to the conclusion that she had never taught herself to go to sleep so how could we expect her to put herself back to sleep in the middle of the night. And with such great parents and this big world to play in who would want to go back to sleep? (I know who, Mom and DAD! lol). We decided to do try the cry it out approach last night. She only woke at 230 and 530 and after about 20 min of crying (pathetic non frantic crying) she put herself back to sleep! We will see what tonight brings us. We have a feeling Ella may be in the process of teething. She is never ever a grumpy or whiny child but she's had her moments the last couple of days. She also ate about half her normal amount at the sitters yesterday. In other news, our sitter gave her six week notice last night. This comes as a bit of a shock and is very frustrating but may be a new opportunity to find a sitter where Ella can find a playmate! Our sitter will be taking a full time day position with the family she nannys for at night. I think I already have a lead on a sitter this am!

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