Monday, January 25, 2010

Poor Ella

We had a bit of a scare with her Saturday night. She has had a cold since Thursday. Saturday, just as we sat down to enjoy some La Rosa's, she began having breathing issues. She was having an extremely difficult time getting her breath and when she did it was very labored and irregular. Her face kept turning bright red and her eyes werent focusing correctly. She also ended up throwing up large amounts of flem twice. Luckily, we live 2 miles from Children's Hospital Mason Campus Urgent Care. They rushed her right in and come to find out she has bronchiolitis. Its symptoms are similar to pneumonia and asthma with the wheezing and rattling. She actually responded well to the albuterol treatments (many kids dont). She was completely traumatized, it was her bedtime and she hated the suction, breathing treatment, temperature taking, and chest xray. By the time we left there (which I have to say I was impressed with how quick they were), her respiration rate was much better and her temp was down. They sent us home with breathing treatments for every four hours. We had to take her back yesterday and she was much better; however, the ped said it would get worse before better and Im afraid today it has. She goes back to the doctor today. Somewhow my little champ still holds a smile on her face and is still sleeping through the night! (minus being woke for breathing treatments). pics to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. That had to be soo scary! Glad that you had a good experience at Children's in Mason's great that you're so close! Hope she's better soon
