Friday, January 22, 2010

Ella has her first cold :( Im pretty sure its just a virus as she has not been running a fever. Just a very snotty nose and cough. The poor thing is such a good sport though as she is still her happy, smiling self even though I can tell she feels awful. Ella is enjoying a nice day at home with daddy! I have a feeling Ella may be teething as well but still no sign of a tooth! Ella has done AMAZING with the crying it out method. The first night we put her down drowsy but awake and she went out immediately. She cried for about 20 min on her at 230 am and 530 am but was able to put herself back to sleep. The second night we put her down again drowsy at 730 and it took her about 20 min of whining to fall asleep. We didn't hear a peep out of her the entire night until I woke her up at 615 am! Last night she went down fully awake at 715 and put herself to sleep with NO protest and not a peep out of her until I woke her at 615! I am so proud of her! She was also taking the pacifier for nighttime only but in just three days weve weaned her from that as well! Mommy still hasn't got past waking up and checking on her. I hope that happens soon. At least I am finally feeling rested again! We interview a promising sitter tomorrow am and then a nanny on Sunday. The one on Sunday has her bachelors in Early Childhood and has her Montessori credential. She is starting a small (3 kids) Early infant/toddler Montessori program in her home. I feel like this is a great opportunity for Ella and am hopeful we will have a new childcare provider in the next week! The picture below is Ella enjoying some homemade squash!

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