Sunday, January 3, 2010


2009 brought with it the joy of Ella coming into our lives. 2010 will bring many exciting firsts such as her first words, first steps, first bday etc. I cannot say enough how amazing it has been watching her grow and change. She changes so much day to day and is becoming such a little person! Her communication now has a purpose and she is consciously communicating with us. She has just begun, but is not yet consistently, reaching up to us when she wants picked up. She is sitting for longer and longer periods on her own. She is taking about a half of teaspoon to a teaspoon of solids a day. As of now I am making all of her food and she has tried avocado, banana, baby oatmeal, squash, and sweet potato. So far sweet potato is her favorite. She also is consistenly rolling over since around 3.5 months. Ella is such a smart and happy baby and Tom and I cannot wait to see what this year brings for our family. We feel so blessed for all we have.

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