Friday, January 28, 2011

18 months!

To my dear, sweet Ella
Today you turn 18 months. No books, no stories from other mothers, not even myself could have prepared me for what I feel for you. No one can be prepared for the power of love a child can have over their parent. When I think I cannot be more proud of you I am. When I think my heart is already bursting with love for you, I love you more.
I remember when I was pregnant with you people would warn how fast it goes by and when they would say it you could see the look of them remembering a thousand moments pass by in their head of time with their own children. I had no idea what they meant and would smile and feel flutters and kicks of your hands and feet and dream of their purpose and possibility.
As soon as you were laid on my chest and as I looked at your hands, your feet, your face I thought today begins your journey of purpose and possibility. In the beginning your hands lay curled in little balls and you loved to sleep with you hand tucked under your chin.
As time went by you began to use your hands to put things in your mouth, explore toys, and eventually using them for purpose. Grabbing your blankie for comfort or holding your bottle to drink or signing more for your favorite fruit.
Today I watch your hands do things for you that I once did for you. You brush your teeth, you pat and feed your babies, build towers, help me put laundry in the dryer, you feed yourself, walk the dog on a leash, or try to hold your chubby little fingers up as you count to 5. Your feet move in rhythm to a song or you use them to come running to me for a hug or to chase Winston. Your mouth says the words I love you or I want that or I need water and sings songs or blows the most amazing bubbles. Where your hands, feet, and mouth used to fumble, today your body is moving together with purpose. It is sad in one sense to see you growing and becoming independent and I know now what those mothers were picturing in their head as they told me time flies. On the other hand I don’t think I have ever been more proud of a person in my entire life as I am watching you grow and change. Some of the things you do overwhelm your father and I with so much joy that all we can do is look at each other and say “did you just see that? Wow!”
As much as I will always miss those first moments in your life, it is breathtaking to revel in this amazing little girl you have become. It is not goodbye to the first 18 months of your life but rather Hello to the purpose and possibility of next 100. Soon you will not need my hands to grab you and pick you up when you cry but know that my hands are forever open for a safe place to land. Where you once were in my belly and now sit on my lap, you will one day stand by my side. And just like I did yesterday, today, and will tomorrow, I dream of the possibility of your future and baby it is a bright one.
So baby keep learning and I hope that your hands, feet, and heart always move with purpose

(We really try to limit how much tv Ella watches. The music teacher at the sitter uses an Elmo doll for a couple of the songs and from this Ella has become obsessed. We thought it would be fun to get her an Elmo cupcake for her half birthday. We were shocked when she actually chose cookie monster to eat!)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


We discovered this weekend that Ella is able to blow bubbles! She is a little ahead in the development of this skill; however, with her language capabilities, Im not surprised as it takes similar oral motor skills. Yay baby!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Go Pack Go!

Ella's hoping for a big win on Sunday!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Talkative Toddler

Ella never ceases to amaze me with her vocabulary. Its also not just her ability to say words but to really use them in their true meaning. Tonight was another one of those nights where she blows me away with her ability to communicate. Ella has always liked our phones, mostly for listening to music. Lately though, she has been wanting to carry on conversations by phone. More so, she has been wanting to talk on the phone to my mom every night. Typically Ella's grandma sounds more like "geemaw"; however, my mom and I were both in shock when Ella got on the phone and clearly said, several times, HI GRANDMA. She then went on to repeat the entire phrase I love you several times. Wow my baby truly is turning into a little toddler. I am in awe at her development but at the same time sad to see my little baby turning into a little girl.
Pics of her "chat" with grandma tonight...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

EnterTRAINment Junction

We like to get out around the city to check out child friendly attractions. Today we visit EnterTRAINment Junction as it boasts the largest indoor train display, an indoor play area, and its close to us. I have to say I was glad it was buy one ticket get one free as I was highly disappointed in this place and would not recommend it. The play areas were tiny and overcrowded with rude parents and equally rude children. Ella did enjoy herself and really thats all that matters. She even requested her "choo choo" set grandma Joanne bought her awhile back as soon as we walked in the door and played with it several times.

Shoveling coal....

Checking out the train display..

She loves train tables...

Friday, January 14, 2011

She is loved...

I have written Ella a few letters over the last 17mos and always hesitate to write more. I hesitate because I can never find the right words to express just how much I love her. Each time I try to write, the words seem so trite in comparison to what I really feel inside. Tom and I try to show Ella each and everyday just how much we love her but at times I wonder will she ever really know, to the full extent, all this love I carry inside for her?
Yesterday I was talking to my mom on the phone and she says to me out of nowhere that being around Ella you can tell she is loved and has known no fear or bad in this world. My mom goes on to say that she can tell what an amazing job Tom and I are doing with Ella by just being around Ella and the confidence and happiness that baby exudes as she struts around.
Thanks mom, you cannot imagine how much that comment meant to me, to know Ella feels our love. Because whether it is through words or actions, in the end all that really matters is that Ella knows how much we love her because Oh is she loved....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another snow day!

Playing peek a boo with mommys hat before going out in the snow....

Checking out all the fresh new snow...

Eating snow right off the ground is fun...

Or with gloves...

But touching snow without gloves isnt as fun as it looks...

Discovering falling on your back and making snow angels is awesome!

And playing in the snow with my mommy is best! (while poor daddy was working on the shoveling!)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Go Pack Go...

Grandma Joanne came up for the wildcard weekend, Packer game. The whole family was geared up in their Packer clothing for the big game. The Packers won and will continue on in the playoffs!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Chatty child....

Ella has always been very verbal. At this point it seems like she is literally able to label everything. What amazes me even more is that she is starting to talk in two, three, and four word phrases! Today she sat in what is typically my chair at the dinner table to eat her apple, pointed to the chair and said "this mommas chair"!

And she had to hang like this for awhile and eat her apple...

Friday, January 7, 2011


was my drive home yesterday. This all happened unexpectedly in about an hours time. Looks like my drive home this evening may be even worse.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This year.....

I have so many resolutions for this year, and for the rest of my life for that matter. Of course I have the typical eat healthier and exercise more goals but what Im learning as time goes on, is that in the long run, those are not whats most important. Time and Ella have taught me that what's most important is my family and knowing that I gave it my all to love them and never take a moment for granted.
So this year I vow to have a blast with you at home. I vow to love on you and your father as often as possible. I vow to remember what’s important and let slide what is not. I vow to show you and your father every day how much you mean to me.

So if I blog less it does not mean that I love Ella or Tom less but rather that Im taking the time to love them more.

A happy new year to all!