Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Talkative Toddler

Ella never ceases to amaze me with her vocabulary. Its also not just her ability to say words but to really use them in their true meaning. Tonight was another one of those nights where she blows me away with her ability to communicate. Ella has always liked our phones, mostly for listening to music. Lately though, she has been wanting to carry on conversations by phone. More so, she has been wanting to talk on the phone to my mom every night. Typically Ella's grandma sounds more like "geemaw"; however, my mom and I were both in shock when Ella got on the phone and clearly said, several times, HI GRANDMA. She then went on to repeat the entire phrase I love you several times. Wow my baby truly is turning into a little toddler. I am in awe at her development but at the same time sad to see my little baby turning into a little girl.
Pics of her "chat" with grandma tonight...

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